Sunday, January 13, 2008


Well I have a meeting with the Archdiocesan vocations director of Atlanta on the 23rd, so we shall see how that goes. Though I am somewhat doubtful as to whether or not I will truly follow through with the Archdiocese because I just find it so incredibly difficult and insane to be forced to celebrate the Novus Ordo and be around those type of people constantly, don't get me wrong many of them are good Catholics, but they have no love for the beauty of the church, like chant, liturgy, proper dress and other things that are important. I can go back to the FSSP in the Fall, which is what I will probably end up doing since I was very happy there, and don't ask me why I left! So please keep me in your prayers that I follow God's will, I just want to be a saint, and find the best place to do it.

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